New studio: Configure the structure of your detail pages in the data types

This article describes what the data types are, what options are available in the types, content tabs and sections and how you can use them to customize your app.


We are gradually updating all Floqs to a new version in which the data types, data editors, integrations and releases are completely revamped. In case your Floq is still on the old version, refer to the article about the data structure.

What are the data types?

The data types can be used to categorise your data. For every type that is available, you can set different options for what is displayed in the app and what is available for attendees. Some examples:

  • Show the rate card for all items of the type Session, and don't show it for Presentations.
  • Restrict access to the Resources tab of the type Poster to members of a certain group.
  • Hide the Info section of items of the type Abstract until the embargo has been released.

The default template comes with a basic data set of types and settings, that you can tweak if you like. If you create your own template export from an existing event, the types of that event are included.

Create and delete types

You can access the Data types thorugh the Event settings.

In the table on the left, you see an overview of all categories for which you can create types. The number next to a category is the number of types in it.

To add a new type, click the + icon. To delete a type, click the trashcan that appears when hovering with your mouse over an item. Please note that you cannot delete types that contain data. Deleted types can be found and restored through the View recycle bin link below the table.

The following categories are available:

  • Schedule: all types of schedules you have, for example scientific schedule or industry schedule.

  • Programme items: all types related to the daily programme, with or without a start and end time. Think about sessions, presentations, posters or abstracts.

  • Institutions: all types of institutions, such as exhibitors or sponsors.

  • Persons: all types of persons. Mostly only has the type Persons.

  • Tags: all types that are used to group data, e.g. sponsor levels, topics or product categories.

  • Places: all different place types, e.g. booths or rooms.

  • Roles: the roles persons could have, e.g. authors or presenters.

  • Resources: all types of links, e.g. websites or abstracts

Settings per data type

For all types, you need to add a singular and plural name. These names are used in the title bar or in the section headers on the detail page of an item. 

Types of the categories Tags, Roles and Resources only require the name. For the other categories, additional settings are available.

Programme items


  • Require date and time: if enabled, adding a start and end date and time is required for an object of this type. Disable this for on-demand content or untimed e-posters. 
  • Display check-in button: if enabled, a Check-in button is displayed in the detail page in the app that allows users to add programme items of this type to a list of items they attended.
  • Make poster or slides file available to attendees: if enabled, any PDF that is uploaded (in the dashboard or through the studio)  can be viewed by attendees. If recorded by the host, attendees can also play the audio description and video introduction.
  • Display icon when poster or slides are attached: if enabled, an icon is shown under the title for those items that have a PDF linked.

Virtual room
  • Allow adding a virtual room is off by default. Only if enabled, the Restrict access and Backstage access fields below are shown.
  • Restrict virtual room access to group(s): decide whether the virtual rooms or recordings can be accessed by anyone that can access the event, or only by a specific group.
Backstage access features
  • Upload poster or slides: decide whether to give an invited host or presenter the ability to upload their poster or slides on their own.

  • Start meeting: decide whether to give an invited host or presenter the ability to start broadcasting their live presentation themselves.
  • Video recording: decide whether to give an invited host or presenter the ability to record or upload an introduction video for their poster that would be available on-demand.
  • Audio recording: decide whether to give an invited host or presenter the ability to record an audio to accompany the uploaded slides.


  • Side panel banner: set a default banner to appear in the side panel, above the programme item or poster name. Note that for every item, the default banner can be overwritten.



  • Show placeholder images: when enabled the placeholder image is displayed when no logo has been uploaded.
  • Background image: set a default background image banner to appear in the side panel, behind the institution logo. Note that for every item, the default image can be overwritten.



  • Background image: set a default background image banner to appear in the side panel, behind the person's profile picture.



  • Floor plan card content: set this to define what to show in the bottom sheet when opening the place from the floor plan: Schedule (a list of programme items taking place in that location), Institution profile, or Description.

Organise your data in the Content tabs

The data for an item is distributed over 4 tabs. Per tab, the following information is displayed:

  • Info: info text, such as abstracts or biographies, and related persons and tags.
  • Schedule: linked programme items, such as presentations for a session or a topic.
  • Interactive: all built-in interactive features, such as chat, vote, ask and rate.
  • Resources: links to the poster or slides PDF and to other websites.

In the studio, all tabs are shown, while in the app some might be hidden because there is no data to display.

Reorder and rename tabs

Click the pencil icon on the right to change the order and name of the tabs.

Untitled design (1)

If you use external interactive features, like or Kahoot, they need to be added with an URL under “Resources”. You can rename the tab for clarity.

Restrict access to a tab

Per tab, you can apply access restrictions to a specific group. An example: while the app can be accessed by anyone, you can restrict access to Poster PDFs on the Resources tab to a group Paid attendees.

To restrict access, you first need to create groups in the attendee list.

Organise data on a tab within the sections

The order of the related types below Sections reflects the order of the sections in the app. When for example both a topic and a speaker is linked, the topic is shown first.

Reorder and rename sections

To reorder sections, click , hold and drag them to the desired position. Information and places have a fixed place in the app and cannot be moved. 

By default, the type name is used as a heading above the linked items in the app. If you want to use a different name, click the pencil icon nexy to the type name and enter a custom name.

Hide information from the app

By default, sections without content are invisible on the web and mobile app. You can also hide sections with content by clicking the eye icon on the right. Think of abstracts that are under embargo or URLs that can only be made public after the event.