On the side menu item Pages, tab Pages, you can set up different types of pages you can refer to in your app. This article describes each page type and its options.
We are gradually updating all Floqs to a new version in which the home, menu and pages are completely revamped. In case your Floq is still on the old version, refer to the article about the pages in the legacy studio.
Pages can be added on the Pages menu item, tab Pages. Click the + in the table next to the respective page type to add a page of that type. Please note that for some page types, you can only have 1 so once added, the + is no longer available.
Each page contains a General section and a Content section. The available options of the different page types are described below.
General page properties
Every page type has a section General, where you can set the following properties:
- Type ID: at the top right, a link icon
is displayed. Click this icon to view the page ID. This ID can be used to link from for example a news message or information page to this page. More information can be found in the article about internal links.
- Page name: this name appears in the top bar.
- Subtitle: the subtitle is shown right below the top bar. You can use it to give more details on the content of the page, for example to describe what is displayed in the list.
- Page banner: you can upload a branding banner (2560x512 px) for pages of the type schedule, list, information, navigation or search. This banner is shown above the page on the web app.
- Restrict access: turn on the toggle to restrict page access to users that are signed in. If you want to restrict access even further, you can select a group. Only signed in users in this group can then view the page.
- Protect with password: besides restricting access to users based on the account they are signed in with, you can also protect a page with a password. This password would then have to be filled in before the page can be viewed.
On this page you can set up your daily programme page. The daily programme is a sorted overview of all program items in the data. The data itself can be edited in the Data section.
The following settings are available:
Schedule: here you can select the schedule of which the items should be displayed in the page.
- Group items: in the timetable layout, you can group the sessions by location, by tag, or don't group them at all.
- Filter by tag: select a tag to filter the programme page to show only items that have this tag. You can for example use this feature to highlight certain sessions, that are also part of the full programme, on their own programme page.
- Enable filter options for attendees: you can choose up to 3 tag types that users can then filter on in the page, for example topic or track
- Default layout on web/mobile app: this specifies whether the programme by default is displayed in the app as a list, horizontal timetable or vertical timetable (web only). Please note that attendees can change the layout at any time.
In the section Timeframes on mobile, you can choose the start and end time of the timeframes that are displayed as tabs on the mobile app. These timeframes are not used for the web app.
Lists show an overview of any data in the app: for example posters, exhibitors or persons. These lists can be filtered by type, tag or role, for example to only show gold sponsors or oncology-related posters.
The following settings are available:
- List type: choose Institutions, Persons, Programme items or Tags. Based on this, only the relevant available options are shown.
- Layout: defines whether the selected items are displayed as a List, or in a Grid view with large images. For institutions, the logo or a dedicated card image is used, for persons the profile picture, and for programme items a preview of the slides or poster PDF. For tags, the grid view is not available.
- Slideshow: allows uploading a banner of 1280x320px that is shown above the list. This can for example be used for sponsors above a list of exhibitors. Optionally, you can link each slide to a page, object or external URL.
- Display ongoing and upcoming items only: for programme items, you can filter the list to only show items that are ongoing now or starting soon. Just turn on the toggle and select the period in the dropdown.
Include search bar: the search bar is added right below the title bar. It can be useful to add it if the list is very long, for example for all persons in an event.
- Group items: lists of persons or institutions can be grouped by initial of name, order name or tag. When grouping by tag, select the tag type to group on. All items appear in the same list, but are grouped by the selected criterion. Use this for example to sort your list of sponsors by sponsor level.
- Filter by type/role/tag: the filters define which items are shown in the list. You can filter by type and optionally by tag. Persons or institutions can also be filtered by role.
Information pages are pages in the app with custom HTML. They can contain anything you want, for example practical information or a link to a feed on X.
For information pages, you can use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)-editor, or enter your own custom HTML if the options from the editor are not sufficient.
Navigation pages link to other pages or objects in the app. They can be used to add extra levels of navigation, besides the home menu.
The following settings are available:
- Layout: choose whether you want to display the linked items as a vertical menu (left) or as horizontal tabs (right).
- Slideshow: allows uploading a banner of 1280x320px that is shown above the navigation page. This can for example be used for sponsors. Optionally, you can link each slide to a page, object or external URL.
- Items: add the items to redirect to. You can link to another page, individual objects, for example an institution or a specific session. For the Menu layout, you can also link to a URL and choose an icon that is displayed left of the item.
Floor plan
The floor plan shows one or multiple floor plans of the conference venue. With the search button top right, an overview of all places on the plan can be opened.
The following settings are available:
- Filter by type: choose here which place types to display in the floor plan and the overview of places.
- Show pins when opening page: you can choose to display all pins when users open a floor plan page (Visible) or to not display any (Invisible). This option applies to iOS only.
- Tabs: through Edit tabs, you can configure the tab name and order. On the tab, you can add the floor plan images. The recommended dimensions are 4000x4000 px.
The Networking category contains the event feed and the attendee list. You can only rename these pages, not add or delete them. The Networking pages will appear between the other pages in any list where you can select a page, for example when setting up a menu or a navigation page.Search
On a search page, users can search for anything in the app with a keyword. The search results are sorted per type.
The following settings are available:
- Categories to search in: select the types you want to include in the seach results. You can select all types of a certain category with one click.