Internal links, deep links & QR codes

This article describes how you can set up a link to a page or object within your mobile app.

Do you want to highlight a poster or session a direct link to the daily programme around the venue? Deep links are a type of link that send users directly to the app instead of a website. They are used to send users straight to specific in-app locations, saving users time and energy locating a particular page themselves.

If an attendee scans the QR code created through a deep link, they will be redirected directly to your mobile app. If the app is not yet installed, the user will be redirected to the App or Play Store. After opening the app, the event info will open, and after installing the event, the page or object will open.

Internal links

First, make sure you copy the internal link of the page or object you want to link to. You can find this below the link icon at the top right of an object or page.Open the modal and copy the link.

In the text where you want to insert the link, for example a news message or information page, open the HTML text editor by clicking the code view icon. Add the link has like in the example below:

Click <a href="cc://object?objectId=64b9682aeaa25044ba7900af"> here </a>

Internal links starting with cc:// only work on mobile!

Deep links & QR codes

You can create a deep link URL in two ways, which then can be used to create a QR code hat can be put in the venue.

Use the link from a shared object

Open the mobile app and go to the item for which you want to create a deep link. Click on the share button at the top-right, and share to - for example - your Calendar or Notes. Below the session details, you find the deep link URL.

Create a deep link manually

Link structure

The link structure is as follows:

To both link types, you can add a fallback URL &$fallback-url=[fallback url], for example, &$fallback-url= This URL will be opened when the Store page can't be opened, for example on a desktop.

Where to find the ID, event ID and page/object ID?

The ID will need to be requested from your CSM at Conference Compass.

The event ID can be found in Event settings > Advanced:

The object ID as well as the page ID can be found below the hyperlink icon at the top right of the page, see earlier in this article.