Via the community button, you can see all users that signed in to your app. This article explains what you can do with them.
What does community mean?
On our platform, each client has its own secure environment that comes with its own branded mobile app and or web app. This environment contains all tools to create and manage events. It also comes with its own secure user database that contains the user accounts and profiles and powers all engagement features. The set of all users is called the Community. The community can be accessed through the studio by clicking on Community in the side menu on the selection screen.

App users
Below the tab App users, you can find a list of all users that were either added through the studio or signed in to your app already. A user is identified by its email address, which needs to be unique: two users in the same community cannot have the same email address to sign in with. The email address associated with the user account cannot be changed.
On the tab Groups, you can create groups. These can be used later to restrict access to certain areas in the app, pages, or to send targeted push notifications.
All users in the community can be added to these groups. Open the user details and click on the Groups field. Select the group immediately, or start typing the group's name to filter the groups being shown in the list. You can also bulk-assign users to a group by selecting them in the list with the tick box and clicking Assign to a group.
Note! Groups created within an event, are also listed in the Community Groups.
Adding and importing users to the community
Users can be added manually one at a time, or in batches by importing a spreadsheet.
Add manually
Click the button + Add user to manually add a new user. Enter the first name, last name, email address and optionally groups, and click Add. If you tick Create another, the user will be created when clicking Add, and the window will remain open so you can directly add another one.
Excel import
You can also import users from an Excel sheet. From the window that opens when clicking Import, first, download the template. Fill it in, click Select completed template, choose the template and click Import. All users in the sheet are now added to the list. Optionally, you can directly assign the imported users to a group.
Please note that if you try to import users that already exist (meaning the email address is already there), their first and last names cannot be overwritten.
Click Import to complete the process.
View users and status
There are four different statuses:
Account created: this person has created an account in the app;
Account not created: this person has been added through the studio but has not yet created an account in the app;
Account to be verified; this person started with the account creation but did not verify the email address yet.
Reported: this person was reported by another app user;
Blocked: this person is blocked by you or a team member.
For each user, you can see their details when you click on them in the table. You can edit these - but as this is data users have entered, it is not advisable to do so.
You can filter on the statuses, for example, to see all reported users in one glance, by selecting the status in the filters above the table.
In the History table at the bottom of the page, you can see their status changes and the events they have installed. Please note that the install date of events is not always accurate, as for apps that do not support this feature yet, the date is not registered. Therefore, it is set to the date the account was created.
Verify user's accounts manually
When a user signs in to the app for the first time, he or she can create a user account with their name, last name, and email address. Once these are submitted, the system will send a verification email so the user can enable their account. At the same time, the user is added to the community and the user profile will indicate that the account is not yet verified. The account is verified, thus enabled, when the user clicks the link in the email they have received. Only once this step is completed, the user will be able to log in to the app.
When, for some reason, the user can not verify him or herself, the verification can also be done manually through the community list. To do so, open the user profile and click the Verify manually button top right. After you have verified manually, the user needs to refresh the web page (web app) or relaunch the app (mobile app) in order to sign in.
The verification request does not have an expiration date. If the Verify manually button is not shown on the user profile page, this can mean two things:
the initial account creation has not been successful.
the user has already verified the email address through the verification link. You could then ask the user to refresh the page (web app) or relaunch the app (mobile app).
You can see the user's account status at the bottom of the user profile page.
Delete and block users
On a user profile page, a 3 dot icon is available on the top right where you can find the options to delete or block users.
Delete: this removes the account completely, including favourites, chat history, etc. It is not possible to retrieve this once deleted.
Block: when blocking a user, he or she is signed out of the app and cannot sign in again. You can unblock them any time, allowing them to sign in again.