Add events to your Floq Event list

The Event list includes all the events in your Floq

Add an event by clicking the button in the top-right corner. After entering the data, click Save. The event is added to the list with the status Coming Soon. The event status can be set as Available in the Event Settings.

  • Event name: Keep in mind that this name is also displayed in the mobile app where space is limited.
  • URL: the URL of your web app is automatically composed by lowercasing the event name and removing all spaces and special characters. You can edit the URL.
  • Start/end date: use the date picker to select a start and end date.
  • Template: select from the dropdown the event from which you want to copy the data structure and pages or select the default template. Find more information below (anchor).
  • Location: start typing the location and select it from the list that opens. If your event is virtual, you only add a timezone.
  • Timezone: the timezone of the location you added will be automatically selected here. You can edit if needed.
  • Description: enter the event description. You can use headers, bold, underlined and italic text, lists and links.
  • The event icon will be displayed in the top left corner of your web app.
  • The event image will be displayed in the multi-event app and on the web app’s sign-in screen.

Add event (2) (1)

Note: Depending on the type of contract, you might need to ask your Customer Success Manager or Support to add the event for you. 

Single Event Apps: if you have a single event app, only one event can be added to your Floq. Adding multiple events will not allow you to build your mobile app successfully.


Why use templates?

Templates can be used to preconfigure an event based on an older event. This can be helpful in the following situations:

  • You want to create an event which has a similar structure as a previous event. To do so, you export the template from the previous event and create a new event based on this template.
  • You are planning to create multiple events with the same structure. You set up the structure for one of these events, export a template and use it for all following events.

How to use templates?

  1. First, you need to export the template of the existing event. Find the event on the Events list, click on the three dots, and export the template. A JSON file will be downloaded.
  2. At the top of the list of Events click on undefined-Apr-03-2023-12-57-14-3575-PM to upload the JSON file.
  3. Lastly, add a new event to your Floq and select the template from the dropdown menu.

Templates (1)

Templates contain the following information:

  • The configuration of the home page, including links and colours.
  • A number of other pages, such as the information pages or navigation pages.
  • The data structure defines what sections are visible for the objects.