User-Speaker Merge

This article explains the User-Speaker Merge feature.

User experience

Speaker profiles from the event data in your CMS can be linked to the user profiles that the speakers themselves maintain.

As a result, attendees who click on a speaker profile through the daily programme or a list of speakers, will see the speaker's user profile with the interactive features Connect, Meeting and Conversation, their biography (if available) and below that the sessions that the person participates in.

Please note that when opening the speaker profile from the attendee list, the linked sessions are not shown.

When not applying User-Speaker Merge, interactive features are limited to a user's profile on the Attendee List, and session information is limited to a speaker's profile in the programme.

Note! It's required to sign-in to the app to use the interactive features. When the attendees are not signed in, they will always see the default speaker profile. The interactive features won't be visible and they cannot access the attendee list.

How to apply the User-Speaker Merge?

The User-Speaker Merge can be applied in 3 ways:

  1. Manually in the CMS
  2. Excel
  3. Channel import

Manually in the CMS

Go to Data and open Persons. Click Edit on the person's name. On the person's detail page, you find the section General. Below Linked users, you can link the speaker with the user profile. Just start writing the name from the user profile to be linked.

  • If the user is already on the attendee list, a suggestion appears in the dropdown.
  • If the user is not yet on the attendee list, click Add [name] to the attendee list. A new window will pop-up where you can provide their First name, Last name, and Email address

Click Save. The speaker and user profiles are now linked.


You need to add three columns to the Persons Excel file:

  • linkedUser: add the user's email address here
  • firstName
  • lastName

Note that if the person is already added to the event's attendee list, you only need to provide information in the column linkedUser.

After importing the sheet, the user and speaker profiles are linked. Every user in the data is added to the attendees list.

Channel import

A speaker in the data should have the following information:

  • email
  • lastName
  • firstName

It's important to give the fields the exact same strings. If this is not possible, check with your Customer Success Manager.

After running the channel, the user and speaker profiles are linked. Every user in the data is added to the attendees list.