Release notes Q3 2023

This article contains the release notes for the releases of and Floq Studio done in Q3 2023.

28 September 2023

Features and improvements

Event list

On the mobile app, we are introducing our new event list feature.

To allow users to access an event, you no longer have to add a dedicated event tile for it. Instead, you can create a new type of tile on the mobile app, that displays a list of events when clicked. This is useful when you have many events, for which you do not all want to create an individual tile for. Events can be accessed from this list the same way as from a tile: if it's not yet installed, users will see the event info plus a button to install it; if it is installed the event opens directly when clicking it.

Within the event settings of every individual event, on the Access tab, you can choose whether your event should appear in this list.  Optionally, you can give an event one or multiple tags in the studio. Users in the mobile app can then filter the list through the icon top right.

Other improvements

  • The leading 0 has been removed from all dates in the web and mobile app. An example: 7 September will now show as such, instead of 07 September.
  • A new date notation for German events has been added: D. MMM YYYY, for example 7. September 2023. You can select this format in the event settings, on the tab Language.
  • When trying to publish a release while a channel import is in progress, a warning message is shown that this might cause issues in the apps. It is still possible to continue with the release.

Bug fixes

  • Event images are no longer cropped to 1200x600, but to 1260x600 (the requested format in the artwork guidelines) instead. 
  • On the mobile app, pins are now correctly placed when uploading a floor plan image that is not square. Before, they were not in the right position.

11 September 2023

Features and improvements


  • You can now add the same user as event admin to multiple events, instead of only one. When signing in, the user will see an list of the events she has access to, similar to the event list that Floq admins and Floq managers see.
  • Floq managers can no longer create and delete events. Only Floq admins can do so.


  • While the analytics are loading, loaders are now displayed on the different sections instead of on the entire page. As a result, the side menu is no longer blocked and you can still go to another page.

  • The period of the analytics can now be found and selected at the top right instead of from the purple alert below the tabs.
  • Also the export can be made from here. When clicking the Create export button, a loader is shown on the button while the report is loading. When ready, an alert is shown just below the tabs. This alert remains on the page, so that means you can start the report generation, leave the page and come back later to check if it's ready.
  • If you create an export of a certain period, it is kept until you create a new one. This way you can quickly download exports created before.

Event settings

  • A new setting Default timezone has been added to the event settings.There are three options for the setting. At all times, the user can still change the setting from the programme or the profile settings when signed in.
    • Select when opening event: This will show a modal to the user on the web and mobile app when opening the event for the first time with an option to use the event timezone or the local timezone. This setting is best used for hybrid events, where on-site attendees want to see the programme in the local timezone, while virtual attendees want to see it in their local timezone.
    • Set to event timezone: No modal is displayed and the timezone is set to the event timezone.
    • Set to local timezone: No modal is displayed and the timezone is set to the local timezone.

  • The setting Networking features was added. When this setting is off, networking is not possible: you cannot enable Chat for programme items and institutions, and you cannot add social wall attendee list pages. Additionally, users will not get the screens about attendee list visibility and new chats and meetings after signing in. My conversations and My contacts are hidden from their profile dropdown top right.

Bug fixes

  • When creating a new event and then creating a new event tile, the default subtitle is displayed right away. Before, it was only displayed after saving the Event settings.
  • When creating a new event, email invites can be sent right away. Before, it was only possible to send them after opening the Emails tab once to initialise the email templates. 
  • After saving the mobile app tiles page, the tiles no longer shuffle before being displayed correctly.

5 September 2023

Features and improvements

  • Horizontal and vertical scrolling on daily programme pages with a banner in the web app now works better. Also the transition of the banner image when scrolling down is more smooth.
  • The sign-in button on the web app now has the primary color instead of purple.
  • In the non-virtual vote & ask dashboard, you can now reset the votes for a question and view the results without having to start the question.

1 August 2023

Features and improvements

Exhibitor booth on web app

  • Slideshow images are moved above the header, instead of on the Info tab.
  • If multiple slideshow images are added in the exhibitor booth, they will now automatically transition to the next one, instead of only when pressing the Next arrow.
  • The different elements in the booth (list of representatives, info panel, chat panel) are repositioned and resized for a more balanced layout.


  • A few layout improvements were done for pages that have a banner image at the top and a title and/or subtitle. Also, the transition when scrolling down has been improved.
  • The landing page now has a max width, so that it also looks good on large screens.

Bug fixes

  • On the moderator dashboard, the names of persons or videos are no longer cut off when there is enough space for them.
  • Posters are now displayed sharp when viewing them in an on-demand room. Before, they were a bit blurry.

24 July 2023

Features and improvements

Event list and mobile app setup

  • On the event list page, the buttons to add a new event or upload a template file are also shown when there are no events.
  • The icon that was shown in the middle of the tile has been removed. It was shown to indicate that the tile could be dragged, but since that can be done from anywhere on the tile (indicated by the cursor changing in a hand icon) it is not needed. The tile gets an overlay when your mouse is on it to make that even clearer.

  • The ... icon on a tile now responds better.

Bug fixes


  • In the page views in the app analytics, the numbers are now rounded to 1 decimal instead of 10.
  • Analytics about the number of questions being asked within an event are available again.
  • On the Event engagement dashboard, the number of attendees in the block now matches the number of attendees in the list.


  • When running the batch-invite function in Virtual & Interactivity again on a session that already had users invited, the dashboard of those users remains working. Before, it would become white.