Release notes Q1 2025

This article contains the release notes for the releases of the web app, mobile app and Floq Studio done in Q1 2025.

18 Feb 2025

Features and improvements

  • The icon library in the studio now contains an additional set of icons. Please note that the mobile app will have to be on version 126 or up to support these new icons. Web app supports them out of the box.

Bug fixes

  • The Integrations page, Programme sync tab is no longer refreshing every 20 seconds.

11 Feb 2025

Features and improvements

  • In the studio, you can now choose to publish a silent release, or one that will show a notification to all attendees that have installed the event. Click the dropdown next to Publish release and choose Publish release with notification. Attendees will then see the message on the right. Please use this mindfully and only for important releases in order not to overwhelm users with many notifications.

  • On navigation pages, the validation when choosing the link type URL has been updated to not only support https:// and http:// links, but also internal app links starting with cc://. Examples are cc://my-profile to open the side menu, or cc://my-conversations to link to the list of conversations.
  • When on the floor plan page viewing an institution by selecting its location from the search, you now directly see its details on the right if it has the side panel layout, or you see a button to the full-screen exhbitor booth.

Bug fixes

  • Opening the floor plan page by selecting a location, for example when selecting the room of a session or the booth of an institution, now works as expected on small screens. Before, these links would sometimes result in a white screen, or a screen containing all sessions in the selected location.

28 Jan 2025

Features and improvements

Session registration

You can now allow your attendees to register for sessions through the app. Within any session, you can turn on the toggle for Registration required. You can then choose for built-in or external registration. Optionally, you can set a capacity for the session. When the capacity is full, other attendees can no longer register for the session. Below Registered users, you can find a list of all users that have registered in the app. It's also possible to remove attendees from this list.

If registration is required, a label is added above the session name in the daily programme page and in the session page. A Register button is added next to the bookmark and note buttons. If a total capacity is set, this is visible in the button, along with the current number of registered attendees. When clicking the button, a confirmation message is shown. After confirming, the button changes in Registered. The session is then added to the personal programme of the attendee.


  • Direct links to the event registration and abstract management portals are now available from the side menu within an event. These links can be made visible in the advanced settings of the app (event registration) or the event (abstract management).

  • When hovering over the widgets of the event landing page, the pointer now changes in a hand instead of remaining a text cursor. This makes it clearer that the widgets can be rearranged.
  • A loader is added in the Save button on the Pages menu item.
  • You can now set a custom string for the text to appear on the Happening now widget when there are no sessions ongoing. Search in the language strings for the text There are no events happening now and adjust it how you want it.

16 Jan 2025

Features and improvements

  • In list pages, you can now add tag types for attendees to filter the list on. Think of allowing attendees to filter an exhibitor list by product group, or a list of posters by topic.

  • When you go to different tabs or apply different filters in your event data tables, you are now redirected back to the previous view when clicking the back button in the browser. Before, you would be redirected to the page you viewed before the event data.
  • When no channel is added on the Integrations menu item, the button to run a channel at the top right is not visible.
  • Various improvements were made to list and daily programme pages that contain a page banner.
  • Improvements to the landing page on the web app:
    • Navigation tiles are now properly resized in order to minimize cropping of the image.
    • The border that was shown around videos linked in a news message has now been removed so that it looks the same as the video in the dedicated video widget.
    • The sponsor banner is right-aligned with the rest of the tiles.

Bug fixes

  • When restricting access to a group, for example for a society screen tile or event page, the group is now visible right after selecting it. Before, it was added but not visible in the interface.
  • When a list page was grouped, for example by classifier or initial, but grouping is turned off, it is now turned off on the web app as well instead of still being grouped.
  • When deleting an item that was imported from an Excel sheet and then restoring it from the recycle bin, its id remains the id set in the sheet. Before, it was updated to the database id.
  • When adding a (rectangular) sponsor logo to a programme item, this logo is no longer resized when viewing the programme item page in list view on the web app on small screens.