New studio: Manually add, edit or delete event data

This article describes how the data in your event is structured and how you can add your event data manually.

We are gradually updating all Floqs to a new version in which the data types, data editors, integrations and releases are completely revamped. In case your Floq is still on the old version, refer to the old article about adding data.

Data categories

The data you can add should be part of one of these categories:

  • Programme items: all items that relate to the daily programme,  with or without a start and end time, such as sessions, presentations or posters.
  • Institutions: sponsors, exhibitors or other organisations that in some way are part of your conference.
  • Persons: all authors, speakers, moderators, etc. that contribute to your conference. You can link these to program items, for example to set a speaker for a certain presentation.
  • Tags: properties that can be assigned to any object group them, for example topics or session types
  • Places: places can be indicated on your floor plan. They can be linked to program items or institutions, to show users where these are located.

Programme items

Programme items that are configured correctly, will automatically appear on your daily programme page. By assigning a schedule an object is part of, you can 'nest' items under other items, for example presentations below sessions or posters below poster sessions.

    Go to the page Data, tab Programme items and click the Add programme item button at the top right. On the page that opens, the info is grouped in different sections.


    • Name: the name of the program item.

    • Subtitle (optional): choose the subtitle you want to display in lists and on the detail page.
    • Schedule: choose the schedule the programme item should be part of. For sessions that are not nested under another programme item, this should be one of the Schedule types as created in the data types. For presentations that are part of a session, choose the session here. 
    • Type: choose the programme item type, e.g. Session, Interactive Session or Presentation.
    • Start/end date/time: set the start and end date and time. The items in the program are automatically grouped and sorted based on the start date and time. 

    • Location: choose one or multiple locations where the programme item takes place.


    You can add a banner that is visible above the title on the detail page of an item. You can choose 3 different types:

    • Image: select an image from your computer. Optionally, you can set a link that the attendee is redirected to when clicking the banner.
    • Video from URL: enter a YouTube or Vimeo URL.
    • Recording from host dashboard: if you have invited a host for this programme item and have given him or her the rights to create an introduction video on their host dashboard, this video will be displayed in the banner immediately after it's created or uploaded.


    On the content tabs, you can set relations to other items within this event. Additionally, you can upload a poster or slides PDF and add links to other resources.

    • Info: add the Info text, such as the abstract. You can use the HTML editor to format the text and to add links, images and videos. Besides that, you link related persons, institutions and classifiers on this tab. If multiple persons are added, you can drag them in the right order with the dots on the left. 
    • Schedule: add underlying programme items, if any, on this tab. 
    • Interactive: the available interactive features can be configured in the data types, so nothing can be set here.
    • Resources: you can add two types of resources on this tab:
      • Poster/slides PDF: Turn on Make poster/slides file available to attendees in the data types to make the file uploaded here available on the app. It will then be shown:
        • When you haven't set the room to be virtual, and you have not invited a host, it will open as a PDF from either the View poster / slides button in the side panel, or the link below Poster/slides on the Resources tab.
        • When you did set the room to be Poster presentation or round-table session, and you have invited a host, it will be shown in the on-demand room that can be opened from either the View poster / slides button in the side panel, or the link below Poster/slides on the Resources tab.
        • When you did set the room to be Poster presentation or round-table session, you have invited a host, and the host has started the meeting, the PDF is shown in the slides frame to the participants.
        • If the poster list is in grid view, a thumbnail of the poster will be shown as a preview.
      • Other resources: here you can upload other PDFs or add a link to a URL.

    Virtual room

    This section is only visible when in the data types the toggle Allow virtual or on-demand rooms is on.

    • Settings: when selecting Virtual room, you can choose the type of room: moderated, hosted, or an external link. For the latter, the URL of the external virtual room needs to be added as well.
    • Sponsor banner: for moderated sessions, an additional field to upload a sponsor banner appears. This banner is shown in the virtual room, right below the big slides frame. Optionally, you can set a link to it, that opens when the banner is clicked.  

    Advanced settings

    • Registration required: turn on the toggle and enter a registration URL to redirect app users to this URL to register for the session.

    • Change order: items that start and end at the same time, are normally displayed in a random order in the daily programme. This field can be used to define an order for those items. Enter a low number for the item you want to display first, and higher numbers for items below that.

    • Subtitle on detail page: choose the subtitle you want to display on the detail page of an object. This overwrites the subtitle from the General section.


    Go to the page Data, tab Institutions and click the Add institution button at the top right. On the page that opens, the info is grouped in different sections.


    • Logo (optional): upload the logo of the institution or select from the previously uploaded images in the library. The preferred image size is 600x600px, as it is displayed in a square in the app. You can also upload other formats, they can be cropped after uploading.
    • Name: the name of the institution.

    • Subtitle (optional): choose the subtitle you want to display in lists and on the detail page.
    • Type: choose the type, e.g. Sponsor or Exhibitor.
    • Location: choose one or multiple places where the institution is located.
    • Website URL, Website name (only for institutions of the type Exhibitor booth): add the URL of the company website and optionally, a name to display instead of the URL itself. 


    • Slideshow: images added here will appear right above the info on the institution page. The first one is displayed upon opening. If you add multiple images, users can swipe to see the next images. Add an image by clicking the Add slide button. The preferred dimensions of the file are 1200x600px. If your image is another size, you can crop it to the right size after selecting it. Optionally, you can specify a URL to link to when the banner is clicked in the app.
    • Card size: if you use the grid view for a list, you can choose whether you want this institution to show as a small or a large card. If you choose Small, the logo will be used, if you choose Large, an additional image should be uploaded. 
    • Page banner (only for institutions of the type Exhibitor booth): this image is displayed at the top of the page within the booth. Makre sure it does not contain text, as other elements in the booth might be over it.


    • Info: add the company description here. You can use the HTML editor to format the text and to add links, images and videos. Besides that, you can add a URL to a video on YouTube or Vimeo and link related tags on this tab.
    • Schedule: add related programme items, if any, on this tab. 
    • Resources: on this tab you can upload a PDFs or add a link to a URL.
    • Contact: add the phone number, email address and social media links. Additionally, your can enable the Drop business card feature when you use the exhibitor booth layout. If on, attendees can to leave their business card in the booth, which means that their information is shared in an email sent to the email address specified here.

    Advanced settings

    • Change order: if you don't enter an order, institutions will be sorted alphabetically in lists. If you want them sorted in another way, choose in the settings when creating a list page to sort first by order and then by name. Then enter a low number for the item you want to display first, and higher numbers for items below that.
    • Subtitle on detail page: choose the subtitle you want to display on the detail page of an object. This overwrites the subtitle from the General section.
    • Highlighted: institutions that have this toggle on, will be displayed in lists in red.


    To add a person, go to the page Data, tab Persons and click Add person. at the top right. On the page that opens, the info is grouped in different sections.


    • Profile picture (optional): upload a profile picture to a person or select from the previously uploaded images in the library. The preferred dimensions of the file are 600x600 px. You can also upload other formats, they can be cropped after uploading.
    • Name: the full name of the person.
    • Subtitle (optional): choose the subtitle you want to display in lists and on the detail page.
    • Type: choose the Type, mostly Person.
    • Order (optional): if you don't enter an order, persons will be sorted alphabetically by their full Name in lists. If you want them sorted in another way, choose in the settings when creating a list page to sort first by order and then by name. Then enter the Order here, for example the last name.
    • Linked user (optional): with this option, you can link a user from your attendee list to this person by searching for their email address or name in the attendee list. When an attendee is viewing the profile of this person in the mobile or web app, they will see the user profile the person has created instead. This way, attendees can easily send speakers a contact request or a chat message.


    • Info: add the biography here. You can use the HTML editor to format the text and to add links, images and videos. Besides that, you can link related tags on this tab.
    • Schedule: add related programme items that this user has a role in on this tab. Please note that you have to select the role from a dropdown that appears next to the programme item name.
    • Resources: on this tab you can upload a PDFs or add a link to a URL.

    Advanced settings

    • Subtitle on detail page: choose the subtitle you want to display on the detail page of an object. This overwrites the subtitle from the General section.


    Tags can be used to group data. Some examples:

    • create overviews of programme items per topic or session type

    • add the product categories to institutions as a reference for users

    • display your sponsors grouped on bronze, solver and gold levels

    Before adding classifiers, make sure the types you want to create them for are available in the data types. If you're for example planning to add topics to programme items, make sure that you have created a Tag type Topic.

    To add a tag, go to the page Data, tab Classifiers and click Add classifier at the top right. On the page that opens, the info is grouped in different sections.


    • Icon (optional): if you add an icon to a tag, it will appear on the daily schedule page below all programme items that have this tag. You can choose one of the library icons, or upload a custom icon.

    • Name: the tag name.

    • Type: choose the selected Type, e.g. Topic, Session Type or Product Category.
    • Colour (optional): if you assign a colour to a classifier, a bullet with this colour is displayed below the title of the items that have this classifier in lists, and for programme items on the cards in the daily schedule. If you use a library icon, it is displayed in white on top of a bullet with the tag colour.


    • Info: add information about the tag here. You can use the HTML editor to format the text and to add links, images and videos. Besides that, you can link related persons and institutions on this tab.
    • Schedule: add related programme items on this tab.

    Advanced settings

    • Change order: if you don't enter an order, tags will be sorted alphabetically in lists. If you want them sorted in another way, choose in the settings when creating a list page to sort first by order and then by name. Then enter a low number for the item you want to display first, and higher numbers for items below that.


    There are two workflows to add your places and link them to a location on the floor plan:

    1. First add all places, and then set their locations. This is also the workflow when your places are imported from an external source (channels, Excel files) or when you add your places before your floor plan image is available.

    2. One by one add a place and its location. This is convenient when your floor plan image is available and you already know where all places are located.

    Before you can set the locations, make sure your floor plans are uploaded to the floor plan page.

    To add a place, go to the page Data, tab Places and click Add place at the top right. On the page that opens, the info is grouped in different sections.


    • Name: the name of the place.

    • Type: choose the selected Type, e.g. Rooms or Booths.
    • Add location: opens a window with the uploaded floor plans. Select the right floor plan tab, click in the image to place the pin and press Save


    Depending on what is selected below Floor plan card content in the data types, different options are available:

    • Schedule: for this option, you can add sessions that take place here. For these sessions, the selected place will then be added in the Location.
    • Institution profile: for this option, you choose the Institution that is linked to this place. The place will then be added in the Location of that institution.
    • Description: for this option, you can add a description. You can use the HTML editor to format the text and to add links, images and videos. 

    Advanced settings

    • Change order: optionally, you can specify an order for the places. This will determine the order of the rooms in the list on the floor plan page in the app and in the daily programme of the web app.

    Set multiple locations at once

    In the table overview of all places, select those for which you want to define the location. You can sort the table on the Location set column to easily see the places for which you didn't set a location yet.

    Click Add location in the batch edit toolbar. In the window that opens, select a place on the right and click in the floor plan to place its pin. If you have added multiple floor plans, you can click the tabs to select the right one. After you're done, click Save all.

    Linking data

    Relations between objects are bi-directional and can be created in two ways. You can for example assign a topic to a presentation by:

    • Adding the topic on the related presentation details page.

    • Adding the presentation on the related topic detail page. 

    When creating the relation in one way, the other way is also automatically linked. If you don't want to display the 'inverse' section in the app, you can mark it as hidden.

    Batch edit

    To edit multiple items at the same time, select the items to edit in the table. A black batch edit toolbar will then appear at the bottom of the page.

    Depending on the type of items you are editing, the following options are available

    • Change type: click to select the type to change these items into. Please note that this option is only available if you've selected items of the same type.

    • Change room type: you can only change the room type if the selected items have the Virtual room toggle on in the data types, and if they are compatible.

    • Delete: deletes selected items. If you've accidentally deleted an item, you can restore it through theView recycle bin at the bottom left of the table. Just select the items to restore and click Restore in the batch edit toolbar. They are moved back to the 'normal' data overview.

    Edit mode

    From the top right, you can open the Edit mode

    In Edit mode, the fields in the table become editable, so that you can quickly change multiple items. Just type in the fields, or click those with an arrow to open the dropdown. Don't forget to click the Save button at the top right after making your changes!