Apple Privacy Guidelines

In this page you will find information on how to fill in the form on our app's privacy practices in the App Store

The information below is based on how our app currently manages users' data taking into account the third party services necessary for the apps to work. The form in App Store Connect should be filled in once and it may be updated in case the data collection practices change.

More about Apple Privacy Guidelines and the services we use:
Apple Privacy Guidelines - used for deep linking
One Signal - used for push notifications
Sentry - used for crash analytics

Conference Compass Privacy Policy URL

Filling in the form

In App Store Connect you must start a draft of your new app and go to the left menu, click on App Privacy and then on Get Started.

In case your app is already live on the store you can select your app and open the version that is Ready for Sale, in the left menu select App Privacy and then click on Get Started.

Only the Account Holder or someone with the role Admin is allowed to make changes in this section.

Main form

In the main form you will be required to select the Data Collection sections, they are:

  • Browsing History

  • Identifiers: User ID

  • Usage Data: Product Interaction

  • Other Data

You can follow the screenshots below:

Secondary forms

After the first part, new cards will open in the page where you are going to provide more details on each part selected in the main form.

Browsing History

User ID

Product Interaction

Other Data Types

Once you are done, add the Conference Compass privacy Policy URL in the same page and at the top right click on Publish to save the changes.

A summary will appear on the screen and the changes will show in your app information on App Store when the new app or update is available for download.