App settings

This article describes the settings that can be found on app level, such as the privacy policy and push notification keys

These settings can be found below App Settings in the left menu. 

Privacy Policy

Under General, you can set your own privacy policy. This privacy policy needs to be accepted by users when creating an account. If you don't add a privacy policy here, Conference Compass' privacy policy will be applied.

If your privacy policy is renewed, click Add new version. All users who have previously accepted the policy will be asked to accept the new policy in the app.

Date & Time

Here you can apply the date and time formatting for news messages on the society app level.

Push notification configuration

Before being able to send push notifications, a number of fields on the App settings page, on the Push notifications tab, should be filled in. These keys identify the app and the messages sent to make sure the right users receive the right notifications. Please note that if these settings have not been filled in correctly, users will not receive any push notifications!

Log in to and retrieve the following keys:

  • One Signal API Key

  • One Signal App ID

Please note that you need to provide this information yourself if you are a reseller.

Sign in

On the Sign-in tab, you can:

  • Set the type of login you want to allow: by email or custom login
  • Set the sign-in screen background for the society app and
  • Set the logo for Floq.Live
  • Brand the account confirmation and reset password emails:

The emails sent to users for account creation, such as to verify their email address, can be branded with a header image and colour. Please note you can only change the branding when the sign-in option Email is selected, as for external login this is handled by your own system. 

  • Logo in header: This image is shown above the email. Create a 900x300 px version of your app branding for it.

  • Accent colour: The accent colour is used for the title, for links in the email and for the footer line. Make sure this colour matches your app branding.

  • Organization Name: This name is used in the text and as a salute.

An example of a branded email can be found below.